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Non Profit


Akono is a Not For Profit Specialist. Changes in reporting regulations has made it more challenging for charities and incorporated societies and other Not for profit organisations to make sense of their reporting requirements. From the outset the changes may seem cumbersome and challenging. Akono will help you unpack and understand your financial reporting requirements, and will work with you to ensure that your financials are compliant and audit ready. In turn making sure that you do not compromise your charities registration. Akono can prepare your financial statements, work with your auditor and file with the charities registrar once your audit is completed.


We can customise our approach to help you understand your systems by taking you through the process (hands on) – or we can just perform the compliance for you (hands off). Due to our experience in the NFP sector – we have a real understanding of issues that are relevant to you and can offer pragmatic solutions to resolve these.


Akono can help you demystify the compliance in the Not for profit sector so you know what to do and by when. No legal or accounting jargon to complicate things – just explaining things in plain English and simply getting it done for you – so you can carry on with your own purpose.


Akono has experience with working largely with Tier 2 and Tier 3 PBE entities. 


Experience across the not for profit sector 
Our empathetic approach 
Our connection with the community 
Our” get on and do it” attitude

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